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hax is a tool for high assurance translations of a large subset of Rust into formal languages such as F* or Rocq.


Hax is a cargo subcommand. The command cargo hax accepts the following subcommands:

  • into (cargo hax into BACKEND): translate a Rust crate to the backend BACKEND (e.g. fstar, coq).
  • json (cargo hax json): extract the typed AST of your crate as a JSON file.


  • BACKEND can be fstar, coq, easycrypt or pro-verif. cargo hax into --help gives the full list of supported backends.
  • The subcommands cargo hax, cargo hax into and cargo hax into <BACKEND> takes options. For instance, you can cargo hax into fstar --z3rlimit 100. Use --help on those subcommands to list all options.


Manual installation

  1. Make sure to have the following installed on your system:

  2. Clone this repo: git clone && cd hax

  3. Run the script: ./
  4. Run cargo-hax --help


This should work on Linux, MacOS and Windows.

Prerequisites: Nix package manager (with flakes enabled)

  • Either using the Determinate Nix Installer, with the following bash one-liner:
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
  • or following those steps.

  • Run hax on a crate directly to get F*/Coq/... (assuming you are in the crate's folder):

  • nix run github:hacspec/hax -- into fstar extracts F*.

  • Install hax: nix profile install github:hacspec/hax, then run cargo hax --help anywhere

  • Note: in any of the Nix commands above, replace github:hacspec/hax by ./dir to compile a local checkout of hax that lives in ./some-dir
  • Setup binary cache: using Cachix, just cachix use hax


  1. Clone this repo: git clone && cd hax
  2. Build the docker image: docker build -f .docker/Dockerfile . -t hax
  3. Get a shell: docker run -it --rm -v /some/dir/with/a/crate:/work hax bash
  4. You can now run cargo-hax --help (notice here we use cargo-hax instead of cargo hax)

Note: Please make sure that $HOME/.cargo/bin is in your $PATH, as that is where will install hax.