Module Make.LocalIdentOrData


module Ty : sig ... end


module W : sig ... end
include module type of struct include W end
module T = W.T
include module type of struct include T end
val compare : W.T.t -> W.T.t ->
val t_of_sexp : Sexplib0.Sexp.t -> W.T.t
val sexp_of_t : W.T.t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
module C = W.C
include module type of struct include C end
type comparator_witness = Base__Comparator.Make(W.T).comparator_witness
val comparator : (W.T.t, comparator_witness) Base__Comparator.comparator
include sig ... end
type nonrec t = (W.t, W.comparator_witness) Base__Set.t
class type 's monoid = object ... end
class ['s, 't] prod_monoid : 's0 monoid -> 't0 monoid -> object ... end
class set_monoid : (T.t, W.comparator_witness) Hax_engine.Prelude.Set.t monoid
class 'a map_monoid : (Local_ident.t, 'a0 Prelude.list, Local_ident.comparator_witness) Hax_engine.Prelude.Map.t monoid
val analyse_expr : analysis_data -> W.t Prelude.list Hax_engine.Prelude.Map.M(Hax_engine.Local_ident).t -> A.expr -> W.t Prelude.list * W.t Prelude.list Hax_engine.Prelude.Map.M(Hax_engine.Local_ident).t