Class Make.print_base

Raw generic printers base class. Those are useful for building a printer, not for consuming printers. Consumers should use the Api functor.

val mutable current_span : Hax_engine.Span.t
val mutable span_data : Annotation.t Hax_engine.Prelude.list
method get_span_data : unit -> Annotation.t Hax_engine.Prelude.list
method with_span : span:Hax_engine.Span.t -> (unit -> PPrint.document) -> PPrint.document
method spanned_doc : PPrint.document -> PPrint.custom
method concrete_ident : Hax_engine.Ast.concrete_ident fn

Print a concrete identifier.

Differentiates between encounters of the identifier in its own namespace or a foreign namespace.

method assertion_failure : 'any. Hax_engine.Prelude.string -> 'any
method expr_at : ast_position -> {expr}47 fn
method ty_at : ast_position -> {ty}34 fn
method pat_at : ast_position -> {pat}43 fn
method pat : par_state -> {pat}43 fn
method item_unwrapped : {item}335 fn
method generic_param : {generic_param}298 fn
method arm : {arm}57 fn
method ty : par_state -> {ty}34 fn
method expr' : par_state -> {expr'}46 fn
method pat' : par_state -> {pat'}42 fn
method expr : par_state -> {expr}47 fn
method item : {item}335 fn
method items : {item}335 Hax_engine.Prelude.list fn

Print given list of items, separating them by two newlines each.

method attrs : Hax_engine.Ast.attrs fn

Print given list of attributes, separating them by one newline each.